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  • Writer's pictureDanshar

Fashion School Survival Guide

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

If you are reading this you are probably already in college or getting ready for applications. Having knowledge on how to deal with different areas of your life will seriously relieve you from unnecessary stress… trust me, been there, done that, not worth it. I always give myself an introduction to every new stage of my life that I am entering, be it college or a new experience.

By doing so, I know what to expect and prevent myself from entering a state of mind shock, come what may. The tips you will come across as you read further have been verified by my own experience, so take what resonates and implement accordingly.


If you have already started or have a preview of your curriculum for the upcoming academic year, I suggest you give yourself a crash course on the given topics. You could ask questions like: “what is …”, “what is the purpose of….”, “how to….” and “what are some examples on…”.

Asking such questions will help introduce you to the topic and develop a better understanding of the subject as your lessons advance. The key to really thriving in a subject, or any area of your life for the matter of fact, is to have a strong foundation on it. It all starts with its core.

I remember when I decided to strengthen my accounting skills, I spent the first few weeks revising the basics. From then on, it all flowed like water towards me, I finally spoke the language of accounting.



This tip is inspired from the book ‘The seven habits of highly effective people’, by Stephen Covey. The main point is, start before anyone instructs you to. The moment you are aware of any upcoming assignments, just start. I am sure you can relate to the fact that starting is the hardest part, so conquer it right away, take action faster than you can think.

Here’s the catch, you do not have to write the entire essay at once. You can simply start by making the folder and writing your name. From then on, you can start to write a sentence. That one sentence will turn into a paragraph, which will turn into pages of your essay. It is all about building momentum, the more you show up and make progress, the easier it gets to do the task. Remember, it is not “all or nothing” , it is “something”.



The key to maximizing your work potential is by seeking feedback from experts, aka your professors. Do not be shy to send a draft of your progress to them and ask if any changes are suggested. However, be careful, do not over do it, working on an assignment for too long will actually reduce its quality. Send your drafts one to three times, then leave it and let your logic take control. After all, it is your assignment, you do you.

It is important to take note of ‘destructive criticism’. How to distinguish it from good criticism? Simple, it is when you receive feedback only pointing out your errors with no solution or direction provided. We call those types of people infectors, keep as much distance as you can, and avoid lengthy conversations with them.



This is something that I find myself needing to hear more. The more nonchalant you are, the happier you are, and the happier you are, you show up to your work better. By “don’t care”, I do not mean, leave your assignments at bay and expect it to do itself. I mean show up, and let it flow, you can always come back and make adjustments. The key is to tell yourself that “this is just a draft, it does not have to be good and I can always come back to modify it”.

The reason you feel so much weight on your shoulders is because you are probably giving in to perfectionism. Let me tell you this, perfectionism is a dream killer. Show up, do your best and have FAITH that it will all work out. Instead of thinking about how much you have to do, tell your mind to shut up and just get to it…move faster than you can think.


Imagine this. You wake up, get ready, do college work, sleep, and repeat. Sure, in the short-term this is sustainable, but after a while you might find yourself losing your mind. Where is your allotted “me time”, you may think that is not important, infact, that is the most crucial segment of the day you should set aside.

Creating a routine filled with things that help you retain a calm state of mind, filled with activities you love and with the people you love. It’s all about developing a system, a system for your personal life and a system for your work life. The key is creating a balanced system and not trying to do everything at once, step by step. As the author James Cear would say, “1% every day leads to 100% results”.


A system could look something like this:


Wake up

Morning coffee and affirmations




Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Watch a movie/ your favorite show

Call or meet up with a friend

Go out for a nice meal


Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

You can create a system that works well for you and aligns with you, this is simply an example, if it does not appeal to you, develop one that does.

In conclusion, literally no one knows what they are doing in college. The best solution you could iron out when chaos strikes is… action. You do not have to know how to do everything, take action, write that first sentence and trust me, you will figure it out along the way. The notion is to get it done even if it is wrong, and then come back to make adjustments. Remember, everytime you fail, it is all the more reason to push through and show up stronger.

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