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  • Writer's pictureDanshar


Updated: Dec 5, 2023

There you are all in your glory, well-dressed and well-groomed. While that sounds divine, who you show up as beneath that exterior is more important.

How do you carry yourself? How do you communicate? What choices do you make?

Become your own dream woman by investing in leveling up. “How so?” as you might wonder…don’t worry we have all the answers you need!

Barbie movie , barbie in swimsuit


The first step to becoming HER is deciding that you get to be her. Get so clear on who exactly she is. What does she look like? How much money does she make? What do her relationships look like? Do this in excruciating detail.

Whether she drives a Porsche into the city or rides a scooter in Bali…you get to decide. Focus on what feels authentic to you. There are no rules to life, only the ones you create for yourself.

Forget the “shoulds”, simply do what you want.

Barbie movie, Barbie driving her pink car


To make room for better things to flow into your life, cut your losses. This means releasing anyone and anything that will not serve the best/dream version of you.

So yes, that means distancing yourself from negative people and reducing your consumption of toxic media.

Easier said than done, we know. But it is possible, especially for YOU, yes you reading this right now. Why would you want anyone getting in your way? Come on girl, you have worked way too hard to allow that.

Barbie movie, all the barbies


Would the dream version of yourself be sitting on the couch watching Netflix all day with a pint of Haagen Dazs in hand? Hmm… we don’t think so either.

If you want to be the most badass version of yourself, exploring different hobbies and skills will work wonders. This could be: learning a new language, picking up a new sport, building a business, educating yourself on topics you find interesting or having a blog ;)

Key point: choose something that aligns with you and makes you feel good, rather than something that simply “sounds cool”. Staying true to yourself is where the empowerment comes from.

Barbie movie, barbies in the pink jumpsuits

It’s your time to shine after you have spent all those years dimming your light. Cut that mindset and decide that it is finally your era!

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