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Things you should know before attending fashion school

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

Fashion, a realm full of luxury and glamor. While it may seem like it from the eyes of the audience, that is not necessarily the case for those who work behind the curtains.

Now, do not get me wrong, I love working in fashion marketing. All the late nights spent have been soulfully satisfying. The reason I am writing this article is because there is this stigma around being a fashion student, as some may boldly claim that “it is not even a real degree”. I am here to silence the noise and say, if you have decided to enroll in fashion school, relax, you have made the right choice!

Tip Number 1: Know Your History

History plays a major role in fashion. When I say history, I mean fashion history. Facts like the founders of today’s top luxury brands, milestones that have shaped the industry and how product design has progressed over the years. It may sound a bit nerdy, but trust me, knowing your history will help tremendously in birthing new ideas for projects.

Tip Number 2: Practice Your Digital Skills

Have a headstart in learning Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator before your term starts. This will give you a huge advantage because you will definitely need to use them as your study progresses.

I hear your worries, take a deep breath, it is truly not as hard as it seems. Coming from a traditional school system, where I was not allowed to use my laptop for note-taking, my “tech” skills were definitely not divine. However, I managed to get the hang of it. If I did, so can you. As Marie Forleo would say ‘everything is figureoutable’.

Tip Number 3: Watch Movies

The entertainment industry greatly influences fashion. Brands have been shoved to the limelight, simply because of a feature in a movie that lasted 1 minute at the most. Take the Fendi ‘baguette bag’ for instance. It became the next ‘It-bag’ after Carrie Bradshaw adorned it in Sex and The City. Not only are these movies enjoyable but they have also taken a raw perspective of how the fashion industry rolls.

Some movie and TV show suggestions to start off with, if you have not watched them already (which I highly doubt), are:

  • Gossip Girl

  • Sex and The City

  • The Devil Wears Prada

  • Emily In Paris

  • The Confessions of A Shopaholic

  • Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Tip Number 4: Follow Fashion Influencers

When there is a new fashion brand in town or the launch of a new collection, who do marketers run to? Influencers… of Course. In this digital age, influencers have great power over public opinion.

By following local and international fashion personas, you will be able to get a hold of the latest news within the industry. These individuals would also be great muses and examples for target market analysis. Yes, developing an amazing brand concept will work wonders, but it is also important to decide who will purchase your pieces.

Tip Number 5: Rest

This sounds like a weird tip to add in, isn’t it common sense? You might be surprised by the number of people, myself included, who decided that the word “rest” simply no longer existed. Especially, after staring at the impending list of deadlines and time restraints.

This tends to happen in college, so here’s a reminder for you, rest. Resting and reflecting is crucial when working in a creative field, for when you reflect and let your mind wander a bit, that is when inspiration strikes. Put yourself first, and watch how everything falls into alignment.

Those were my top 5 tips on things you should know before starting your journey in fashion school. I hope you found that useful! Do let me know if you have any other topics you would like me to address, I am all ears.

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